Q: How do you manage being a dad and running a company? What's your best advice for achieving work life balance?
One of the reasons Laura and I went into business together was to be able to spend more time with the kids, so we’re lucky to have the flexibility to always be at their events, shows and parent meetings. However it is a tricky balancing act to manage and requires constant work and understanding, especially when the business is so intertwined with our lives. Making sure we put time aside from work is really important, even if it’s just ensuring we all have dinner together every day.

Q: What does a day in your life as managing director look like?
My day starts with the gym or a dog walk, followed by school drop off and I then run through my calendar and prioritise tasks for the day. I’m a meticulous planner and I couldn’t live without my to do lists and different calendars (along with coffee!) Usually I then have a team design meeting, progress catch ups, client calls and presentations. Something always pops up most days that I have to handle but that makes each day interesting. I also have to respond to emails when I have space and some weeks I travel, do site visits, meet new clients or run through the accounts - so it’s very varied! I end the day updating my priorities for the next day so I’m really prepared.
Q: What’s your favourite thing about your job?
I love being creative and coming up with new designs. I feel very lucky to be able to do that but seeing a project complete is really special and having happy clients is super rewarding. We have an amazing team and I also enjoy working with each of them and seeing how they progress and grow as designers.

Q: What is exciting you in the world of design currently?
AI really excites me and seeing how we can embrace this technology to improve our workflows and outputs will be interesting at the same time. It’s a little daunting but definitely something we need to integrate and be involved in as it develops.

Q: What do you love to do outside work?
I love sport and really need to be active as an outlet. I play a lot of hockey but also enjoy golf and either playing or watching most other sports. I’m highly competitive - Laura says so even with family activities, I won’t just let the kids win! I also love spending time with my family, dog walks, building lego, watching films and going to the local pub for Sunday lunch. Anything like that makes me happy.
Q: If you weren’t a designer and business owner, what would you be instead?
Honestly, I really don’t know as I have always loved art and design but probably something in sport, either management or events…. or an F1 driver.

Q: The key to creating a successful design, and one that a client will love?
“Asking the right questions and really listening to the client."
Q: What's your favourite LH project?
"I have favourite aspects of lots of projects but not a favourite. That's a cop out, but it also feels unfair to name one! In some I love the joinery, the location, the detail, the clients or the process and team. I'm also a perfectionist so I'm always looking to do better next time, so I can always think of part of the design to improve."

Q: Best aspect of working as a married couple and the most challenging?
"I feel very lucky that I get to work with my wife and build this business together. We are very much aligned in terms of our aspirations and vision, which makes spending ALOT of time together easy. Luckily, we also agree on most things. We also have quite separate roles in the company, which allows us to have our own input.
Most challenging is probably juggling the practicalities of work / family and working out who is doing the kids pickup, food shopping, cooking dinner and taking the dog out!"

Q: What is your favourite LHL design and why?’
"I love the Elemental Watchbox as I can keep both my watches and cufflinks stored safely in there with lock and key. It really feels like an heirloom piece as the quality and finsih is incredible. It is wrapped in the LHL sIgnature texture with a bronze trim and lined with a very luxe soft faux suede. I also like the Adler leather range as I work from home a lot, so having good deskware is important. The Adler Leather Stacking Desk Tray and Desk Pad take pride of place on my desk."